Lukoil Develops Green Power Industry
OREANDA-NEWS. August 11, 2011. LUKOIL started construction of the first major photovoltaic power plant (PV power plant). The facility will be constructed in
The rated capacity of the plant will come to 1.25 MW, while the annual power generation output will reach about 1,500 MWH. The investments in construction will total approximately USD 4 million. The facility is expected to be commissioned in October, 2011.
The generated electric power will be available on the open market.
The volume of pollutant and greenhouse gases emissions by the PV power plant is by 1.6 thousand tons per year lower as compared to the conventional thermal power plants with an equal capacity.
The PV power plant construction is run by LLC LUKOIL-Ekoenergo, which was established in 2011 to implement alternative energy projects.