Moldova Initiated Checking of Electric Power Consumers Meters
OREANDA-NEWS. August 11, 2011. Since the Ministry of Economy has received about 1,000 complaints from consumers about the meters’ technical failures and, as a result, the increase in the electric power consumption indicators, the Ministry decided to set up a special workgroup to examine the meters’ state. The workgroup will consist of representatives of the industry’s ministries, consumers and nongovernmental organizations in the field of consumers’ rights protection as well as electric power distributors.
The preliminary examinations have shown that some models of meters fix higher consumption volumes than the real ones, the Ministry of Economy reported. According to data presented by the electric power distributing companies, about 800,000 meters of different models had been installed in Moldova in 2007-2011.
“According to the workgroup’s decision, the Institute of Standardization and Metrology will check 1% of consumers’ meters. if certain defects of the models are stated, they will be replaced free of charge at the expense of the electric power supplier”, said the Deputy Minister of Economy Octavian Calmic.