PAVA: Achinsk Flour Highly Appreciated by Consumers
OREANDA-NEWS. August 3, 2011. Quality of flour produced at grain processing plant in Achinsk (the
Experts of the plant stress that customers from Amur and Habarovsk regions are very pleased with high index of whiteness of the flour. Achinsk plant flour is loved by bakers from Blagoveshensk, Sovetskaya Gavan, Chegdomyn village for its stable baking properties requiring no special methods of production. Flour produced at Achinsk grain processing plant is notable for its white with cream shade color, typical mostly for Altay flour, which affects the color of bread crumb that is very beautiful.
Being a part of PAVA holding Achinsk grain processing plant is strategically important since it ships flour mainly to bakeries, bread-baking plants and large wholesale companies in the east of the country. The plant’s capacities are also involved in export shipment. Production at the plant mainly operates under specifications given by clients.