KazTransOil Holds Final Stage of Contest "Best Professional"
The annual contest of professional skills has become a tradition for the largest oil pipeline company of
The key goal of the contest is improvement of knowledge and professional skills of employees, increase of prestige of working career. The contest promotes research, distribution and introduction of advanced experience of leading specialists of the company.
Traditionally the contest of professional skills is held in several stages. On the first stage of the contest the employees of oil pipeline departments compete among each other, the second stage is conducted inside the branches, and the third stage allows determining the best professionals in their specializations in the company in the whole.
In the "Best Professional" contest the employees, representatives of 8 specializations took place: commodity operators, operators of oil pumping stations, linear pipelayers, electric and gas welders, chemical analyses lab assistants, mechanic on repairing and maintenance of technological equipment, mechanic of metering devices and automatics, electricians.
It is important that during the competitions there is a lively exchange of experience between the participants, joint approach to solution of industrial problems. Moreover, participation in the competition promotes the development of interpersonal relations in labor staff and in the whole improves the production atmosphere.
The evaluation of work of contest participants shall be carried out according to several criteria, which include employee's professionalism, level of his theoretical preparedness, practical skills, observance of rules of labor and safety measures and a range of other indicators
A lot of employees of KTO repeatedly have been participating in the contest. Young employees have been successfully competing along with experienced professionals. For instance, a winner of the Western branch in his specialization Yuryi Gembar, a linear pipelayer of ERP of Mangistau oil pipeline department (MOPD), for the third year in a row takes honorable winning places in the professional competition. He has started his working career in MOPD of the Western branch of JSC "KazTransOil" in 2002 as a maintenance technician of the 4th range, since 2008 — has been working as a linear pipelayer of the 5th range. Starting from 2011 - a linear pipelayer of the 6th range. This year a young 22 years old specialist, maintenance technician of technological equipment of BPM of MOPD Askhat Yerzhanov has become a winner of the Western branch in his specialization He has been working in MOPD since 2008, within this period he has upgraded his range from the 3 up to the 4th. He participated and succeeded in the professional contest for the first time.
This year in the Eastern branch the employees of Shymkent oil pipeline department (ShOPD) distinguished themselves - 6 winners in 8 specializations. Among them an experienced employee Alexander Starkov, maintenance technician of technological equipment of HOPS "Shymkent" should be noted. During 21 years of work in ShOPD he always participated in the professional contest and took winning places.
Specialists of JSC "KazTransOil" have a serious race for leadership ahead. Knowledge, experience and professionalism shall reveal the best in this challenging contest.