OREANDA-NEWS. July 13, 2011. Latvijas Kugnieciba released draft resolutions of Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held on July 27, 2011.


of Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of

joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba”

to be held on July 27, 2011

1. Approval of annual reports for the year 2010.

1. To take a notice of the report of the Supervisory Council and of the report of the Audit Committee of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba”.

2. To approve the Annual Report of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba” for 2010.

3. To approve the Consolidated Annual Report of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba” for 2010.

4. To cover loses of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba” (parent company) of 2010 in the amount of 669’063 LVL (six hundred sixty nine thousand sixty three lats) from profit of future periods.

2. Election of auditor for the audit of annual reports for the year 2011.

1. To elect audit company „PricewaterhouseCoopers” Ltd. (commercial company licence No. 5) as auditor of the annual reports of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba” for the year 2011.

2. To authorize the Management Board of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba” to conclude a contract with „PricewaterhouseCoopers” Ltd. on audit of the annual reports of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba” for 2011, by fixing a remuneration within the approved budget of 2011 of joint stock company “Latvijas kugnieciba”.