Fund of Rosnano, Rosatom and Sistema AFK Modernizes Sarov Technopark
OREANDA-NEWS. July 04, 2011. The board of directors of the Fund of infrastructure and educational programs has approved the Fund’s participation in the infrastructural project on Sarov technopark (Nizhny Novgorod region) modernization and extension together with Sistema AFK and Rosatom State Corporation, Rosnano reports.
The main purposes of the project are development of scientific and production, engineering and social infrastructures of the technopark, project management, realization of the projects in the technopark under the terms of outsourcing with the use of competences of RFNC-VNIIEF (Russian Federal Nuclear Centre — All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) and its infrastructure.
The Fund on parity terms with Rosatom will be included into the authorized capital of technopark, created on the basis of RFNC VNIIEF according to the principles of state and private partnership. As it is noted in the report, the cash deposit of the Fund would be equal to 200 mln. roubles. At present the 100% owner of the technopark is Sistema AFK.
“Special attention will be paid to management of the technopark residents’ projects, in the part of their provision with the equipment with involvement of the instruments of scientific and production cluster “Rosatom-System”, opening of outlet markets (marketing and production promotion) and coordination of the interrelation with RFNC-VNIIEF”, as it is underlined in the press-release.
The fund of infrastructural and educational programs was created in accordance with the Federal Law No. 211-FZ “On Reorganization of Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies”. The purpose of the Fund’s activity is development of innovational infrastructure and realization of educational programs in the field of nanotechnologies.
Rosnano OJSC was incorporated in March 2011 by way of reorganization of Russian State Corporation of Nanotechnologies. The state possesses 100% of Rosnano’s shares.