Bank Uralsib Announces AGM Results
OREANDA-NEWS. June 27, 2011. BANK URALSIB (URALSIB or Bank) (RTS: USBN) announces results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) held on June 21, 2011.
The decision to convene the AGM was made by the Supervisory Board of the Bank on May 13, 2011. May 16, 2011, was set as the closing date of shareholders’ register for participating in the AGM. The Bank’s shareholders approved the annual report and annual accounting statements, including profit and loss statements as of the financial year of 2010. The AGM elected members of the Revision Commission and approved KPMG as the Bank’s Auditor.
The AGM decided to retain the amount of 1.1 bln RUB out of the Bank’s net profit for the financial year of 2010 and register it as undistributed profit. The AGM decided to pay dividends out of 2010 remaining profit in the amount of 0.7 bln RUB. Thus the amount of dividend is 0.002393 rubles per 1 share with the nominal value of 0.1 rubles.
The AGM elected the Supervisory Board of the Bank as follows:
Douglas Gardner, Independent member of the Supervisory Board (INED)
Alexander V. Dementiev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC “URALSIB”
Natalia I. Zvereva, Director, regional social programme fund “Our future”
Denis I. Korobkov, Chief Executive Director of LLC “Management Company Evolution”
Mihail Y. Molokovskiy, Chief Executive Director of OJSC “Financial corporation URALSIB”
Ildar R. Muslimov, Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC “URALSIB”
Nikolay A. Tsvetkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC “Financial corporation URALSIB”
Ludmila A. Shabalkina, Deputy Chief Executive Director of OJSC “Financial corporation URALSIB”
Dmitry G. Shmelev, Head of Corporate Governance, OJSC “URALSIB”
The AGM decided to approve the interested-party transactions. The AGM also approved the amendments to the OJSC “URALSIB” Articles of Association.