Kazakhtelecom Connected 1st School in Village by EV-DO Technology
OREANDA-NEWS. June 03, 2011. Within the business trip to Kostanay oblast Rizat Nurshabekov, Chairman for Communication and information committee of the Ministry of communication and information of Republiuc of Kazakhstan and Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev, Chairman of the Board of Kazakhtelecom JSC visited Sosnovskaya secondary school in Kharkovkoe village of Mendykarinsky region– the first educational institution in Kazakhstan, connected to internet by EV-DO technology, reported the press-centre of Kazakhtelecom.
Pilot project on providing wireless broadband internet access (further BBA) on the basis of EV-DO technology in rural area has been presented to Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of Republic of Kazakhstan within thr business trip of the Head of state to Kostanay oblast in August 2010.
Today the project is realized in 8 regions of Kostanay oblast: Kostanay, Mendykarinskiy, Sarykolsky, Altynsarinsky, Denisovsky, Kamystinsky, Taranovsky and Uzunkilsky. As noted Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev, Chairman of the Board of Kazakhtelecom JSC, "providing internet in rural areas is one of the most important social projects for the company and represents bright example of state and private partnership".
Providing wireless broadband internet access in rural area is the second stage of the Project on spreading wireless communication on basis of CDMA-450 standard, which included to the breaking and is realized within state program "30 corporate leaders". The network of wireless broadband internet access allows removing disproportion in infocommunication technologies between municipal and rural area, remote and regions difficult to be reached. Resuming the results of business trip, Rizat Nurshabekov, Chairman of communication and information committee of the Ministry of communication and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan said: "realization of this project will help us to perform the errand of the Head of state on providing broadband internet access of all population of the country".
By results of first stage of implementation of wireless communication on rural network all perspective rural settlements of Kostanay oblast are provided with telephones, 45 base stations installed,about 23 thousand subscribers connected. CDMA 450 coverage composes over 69 % of the territory of the region. Installation of 7 base stations is planned till the end of 2011, that will allow covering all regions of the oblast.
For information
EV-DO technology
EV-DO standard (Evolution-Data Optimized) worked out for internet access speed increase and is realized on base of cellular networks of third generation CDMA 2000. This technology represents a superstructure over existing CDMA networks, which allow providing broadband internet access subscribers services without binding to land telecommunication channels. EV-DO allows rising internet access quality by means of high frequency data transfer. Max possible internet access speed is up to 3 MB/s, average speed– 600 KB/s, that corresponds to third generation standards (3G). High data transfer speed by EV-DO technology in rural area is reached by means of applying new algorithms for compression of digital data, that allows securing high speed internet access at any point of CDMA-450 coverage zone.