OREANDA-NEWS. June 02, 2011. Until December 1, 2011 tramcar producers of St. Petersburg plan to deliver to the capital of the country 30 new trams of the model 71-153 with partially low-floor level.

 In 2010 PTMF already supplied 23 trams of this model to Moscow, positively established itself in the performance of this contract. The new trams have been successfully operated on the streets of the capital.

 All the advantages of previous delivery’s trams, designed specifically for Moscow, will be retained under production of trams on the new contract: - it ASTS system (automated system of travel checkup) with the original structure of horizontal sliding door for the driver‘s cabin which caused expansion of the latter as opposed to the trams operated in other cities; - and specifically agreed with the State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgortrans” the painting of these cars; - and a more powerful system of cabin hot-air heating including doors air curtains permitting to maintain maximum comfortable temperature even in the coldest weather. Cars operation within multiple units system (MUS) is provided which means that, in case of necessity, the trams may use two tramcars simultaneously.

But this year’s delivery of trams will provide one more innovation - each tram will be equipped with the GLONASS system, thus control rooms will be able to monitor the location of a tram along the whole route: where each tram is, the speed of a tram, how long it’s standing at the stops, and if it’s necessary to make adjustments into the timetable. Moreover, in the future in many cities are planning to launch a new service for passengers: using Internet you can find out in real time the location of vehicle which necessary for you and the exact time of its arrival to a stop.