Baltic Securities Market: 23.-27.05.2011
OREANDA-NEWS. May 31, 2011. All three major indices of the Baltic stock exchanges demonstrated positive results over the reporting period. The Vilnius Stock Exchange Index added на 9.04%, the Riga Stock Exchange Index grew by 2.03%, and the Tallinn Stock Exchange Index went up 1.40%. The strong performance of the Vilnius Stock Exchange owes to a considerable extent to the spike in quotes on papers of Sanitas, which was caused by the fact that Valeant Pharmaceuticals International has agreed to acquire a controlling block of shares of Sanitas at a considerable premium compared to the market.
The turnover on the Riga Stock Exchange was higher than average and reached 805,000 lats. Leaders in sales were Grindeks (563,000 lats) and Latvijas Kugnieciba (104,000 lats). Leaders of growth over the reporting period were Liepajas Metalurgs (+21.13%), Daugavpils Lokomotivju Remonta Rupnica (+9.31%), Latvijas Balzams (+5.03%), Grindeks (+3.17%), Olainfarm (+1.56%) and Latvijas Kugnieciba (+1.30%). Papers of Ditton Pievadkezhu Rupnica (-6.00%), SAF Tehnika (-2.33%) and Valmieras Stikla Shkiedra (-0.54%) were moving against the market tendency.