Ingosstrakh Charges under Transport Insurance Amounted RUR 658mln
The growth of premium charges of Ingosstrakh OJSIC under liability insurance of carriers and forwarders compared with the figures of 2009 made 6,6 % or 33 million rubles. In spite of number of constraints such as dumping and intense competition in 2010, the company strengthened its positions on the market of insurance of international carriers, having enlarged its presence in the given segment up to 43 %.
The growth of Ingosstrakh OJSIC premium charges under the insurance of railway operators made 9 % or 9 million rubles.
Ingosstrakh OJSIC clients include such largest Russian transport operators as Freight Link OJSC, group of companies GEMA, Sunflower Corporation Ltd, IKEA MOS Ltd (Trade and property), RR OJSC, TransGroup AS Ltd, Pipe-Transport Company Ltd, Transgarant Company Ltd, MMK-Trans Ltd, Yevras-Trans Ltd, Trade company Miratorg Ltd.
Ingosstrakh OJSIC actively cooperates with leasing companies working in the field of railway transportation: Sberbank Leasing CJSC, UniCredit Leasing Ltd, Hansa Leasing Ltd, Trans Finn-M Ltd, VTB-Leasing OJSC.
In 2010 the insurer continued its cooperation with ten associations of international transport carriers from Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Moldova and Uzbekistan on TIR insurance and rendering various types of insurance services to companies entering those associations.
In 2010 Ingosstrakh OJSIC paid the insurance indemnification for 206 damages in insurance of transport operators which made up in total 139 million rubles. Among the largest ones it should be mentioned:
1.9 million rubles – the transport terminal operator’s liability in the result of the freight damage (auto spare parts);
1.4 million rubles – the carrier’s liability caused in the result of freight damage (auto cars „
3.5 million rubles – diesel locomotive damage in the result of fire;
16.0 million rubles – the customs terminal operator’s liability in the result of the freight damage (coin counters);
42.0 million rubles – the transport terminal operator liability in the result of stealing of containers with the freight.