Yanukovych Meets with Chairman Emeritus of Chicago Mercantile Exchange
OREANDA-NEWS. May 30, 2011. President Viktor Yanukovych has met with Chairman Emeritus of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Leo Melamed.
The President expressed confidence that the visit of Leo Melamed to Ukraine proves growing confidence in our country.
Viktor Yanukovych said that Ukraine and the United States have deep economic ties.
He noted that the reforms started in Ukraine contribute to the deepening of trade and economic relations between Ukraine and the USA, as well as attracting investment in all sectors of the economy of Ukraine.
"I believe that the creation of concrete mechanisms for implementing the reforms started in Ukraine, and attracting United States investment in the economy of our state is a path that will bring us to mutual success," he said.
Leo Melamed, in turn, pointed to the interest of the U.S. cooperation with Ukraine. He also praised cooperation between the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Bank of Ukraine and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to create a futures market in Ukraine.