Karelia Discussed Plans of Cooperation with Northern Finland
OREANDA-NEWS. May 25, 2011. On May 23 Minister of Health and Social Development Valentina Ulich has held a meeting with representatives of the Finnish delegation led by Marja-Leena Karkkainen director of the department of the Administration of bodies of the government in
Participants of the meeting have ascertained, that issues of integration and labour rehabilitation of young disabled persons are complex, but actual, to which great attention is paid both in Russia, and in Finland since recently. Our party needs to study experience of the Finnish colleagues in this sphere. There have been specified terms of the seminar (September, 2011), entry list of participants, subjects of papers, the list of institutions to be visited.
It was decided to conduct the second seminar next year in Sortavala. Safe childhood, prevention of the negative phenomena in the youth environment, concern with the problem of youth marginalization – these problems are common for both countries and need special attention. A new law on public health services one of which parts is devoted completely to preservation of health of teenagers was adopted in
The meeting in the Ministry of Health and Social Development was held within the framework of implementation of the Memorandum on results of negotiations of the ministers of the