Azerbaijani Farmers Use Worn-Out Equipment
OREANDA-NEWS. May 19, 2011. Azerbaijani farmers still use completely amortized equipment left from the time of the Soviet Union.
Chairman of OJSC Aqrolizinq Management Board Ali Bayramov has reported that at present many farmers use old equipment left from the time of the Soviet Union that does not comply with modern requirements.
" Up to now Aqrolizinq has purchased and provided the farmers with 11.000 units of agricultural technique to ensure the use of modern technology in agriculture , including 990 combines, 3.100 tractors of various capacity and so on. On the whole I think that the farmers’ demands must constantly be provided, new technique should be regularly purchased and the farmers’ stock of machines should be regularly updated",- A. Bayramov said.
Aqrolizinq purchases agricultural and technological equipment and spare parts from Russia, Belarus, Finland, China, Japan and Turkey.
OJSC Aqrolizing was founded in October of 2004 and is a part of Agricultural Ministry. The organization has service points in 55 regions of the country. In 2011 AZN 35 million was raised for Aqrolizing from the state budget. It is planned to spend AZN 12 million of these means on purchase of tractors and agricultural equipment.