Gazprom Bidding Procedures Prove to Be Efficient
OREANDA-NEWS. May 18, 2011. The Gazprom Board of Directors took notice of the information relevant to analysis of the contracts inked by the Company in 2010 as a result of bidding procedures.
The Board highlighted the efficiency of the bidding procedures arranged by Gazprom. The Company selects competent and skilled contractors maintaining an optimal price to quality ratio.
In 2010 the share of competitive purchases (including work and services in addition to materials and equipment procurement) accounted for 67 per cent in the total amount of orders by Gazprom and its subsidiary companies. Over the last six years this figure increased 8.7 times (from 7.7 per cent in 2005).
In 2010 Gazprom reduced the ceiling amount for purchase of goods, rendering of services and completion of work by RUB 36.7 billion through bidding procedures.
In October 2010 Gazprom endorsed the Guidelines for purchase of goods, completion of work and rendering of services for Gazprom Group. The document outlined the unified purchasing rules and procedures for the companies and organizations of the Group.
In November 2010 the Competitive Purchases Department was set up as a new structural unit of Gazprom on the basis of the Tender Committee. The Department acts as a procurement management center for Gazprom Group.