OREANDA-NEWS. May 06, 2011. The Board of Directors approved Andrey Filippov as a new Head of the Company since May 1, 2011.
The former general director, Boris Vainzikher, announced during the Board session about his decision to change the position. According to his words, "this is the best time to leave the company."
Andrey Filippov was born on March 14, 1959. In 1981, graduated from Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School majoring in “Power Facilities”. From 1981 to 1990 he served in the Army. From 1990 to 2005 held various positions at CHP-15 of “Lenenergo”. From 1999 to 2005 held various managerial positions at “Lenenergo”. In October 2005 Mr. Filippov was appointed Director of Nevsky Branch of TGC-1. From 2006 to 2007 Deputy General Director of LLC “Peterburgteploenergo” of JSC “Gazprom”. In 2002 graduated from St. Petersburg Baltic technical university with major in “management”. January, 2007 he appointed Deputy General Director for Investment and Capital Construction of TGC-1. May, 2011 Andrey Filippov becomes General Director of TGC-1.