Domodedovo Airport Offers Counseling Assistance
OREANDA-NEWS. May 04, 2011. Six months ago Domodedovo Cargo, a company included to the
For the term of operation Domodedovo Consulting has processed 3 000 requests concerning import and export of the goods through the boarder of
Presently there is high interest to the issues of exhibition equipment shipments due to the large number of exhibitions abroad and in
Domodedovo Consulting offers simplest and most comfortable way of transfer of the exhibition equipment - execution of ATA carnet at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia.
ATA carnet is an international document allowing simplified registration of temporary import and export of the goods and cargos to and from
commercial samples, professional equipment and some other commodity categories. Specialists of the Domodedovo Consulting shall help to save time of registration of transportation and to calculate different payments.
Domodedovo Consulting provides information on duties and taxes, of terms and conditions of transit, temporary import and export of goods to the international trade market players, and also consults on issues of currency laws, classification and declaring of goods, as well as on other issues of transfer of the goods through the boarder.
Also at the information desk of the air terminal of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport the passengers may obtain free consulting on the procedure of transfer of any personal items, for transfer of which they need permits of the state authorities - cultural treasures, weapons, animals and plants under the threat of extinction, and other specific goods to be transported as hand luggage or luggage.