KazMunayGas Announced New Oil and Gas Upstream Managing Director
A. Aidarbayev was born in 1963. Education: Kazakh polytechnic institute by V.I. Lenin (1980 – 1985), Public national economy
He began his career in the oil and gas industry in 1985. He passed all gradations of professional development in the oil and gas production, worked as senior geologist, then as technician and manufactory foreman for oil and gas in NGDU “Zhetybayneft” of “Mangyshlakneft” association. In various years he occupied executive positions in “Yuzhkazneftegas” production association, General Director - JSC “Kumkol-LukOil”, JSC “Turgay Petroleum” and JSC “Mangistaumunaygas”.
He was awarded “Parasat”, “Kurmet” ordens, medals dedicated to “The 10th Anniversary of the independence of the