MHP S.A. Announces Results of AGM
OREANDA-NEWS. April 29, 2011. MHP S.A. (LSE: MHPC) ('’MHP’' or ‘’The Company’’) today announces that at its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”), held at 4, rue Guillaume Kroll, Luxembourg all resolutions were passed, reported the press-centre of MHP S.A.
That the agenda of the AGM was as follows:
1. Presentation of the management report of the board of directors and of the independent auditor.
2. Presentation and approval MHP S.A. Consolidated Financial Statements Years Ended 31 December
2010 and report of the reviseur d’enterprises (stand alone financial statements) as of 31.12.2010.
3. Allocation of the results.
4. Discharge to be granted to the members to the Board of Directors for the financial year ending 31
December 2010.
5. Renewal of the mandate of the independent auditor until the following general meeting called to approve the annual accounts of the Company as of 31 December 2011.
6. Approval of the sale of GDRs acquired pursuant to the implementation of the Share Buy Back Program.
The general meeting of shareholders approves the decision of the Board of Directors adopted on March 25, 2011 as to the potential sale of Global Depositary Receipts (“GDRs”) held in treasury by the Company in order to improve the market liquidity of the Company’s shares in the market. Such potential sale of GDRs may occur within the next three years.
These GDRs are those GDRs which in the course of implementation of the Share Buy Back Program were purchased onto the market in accordance with the resolutions of the board of directors dated May 18, 2010 and held in treasury as at December 31, 2010.
The general meeting of shareholders acknowledges that in case the sale of GDRs held in treasury occurs, such sale will be in the best corporate interest of the Company and for the Company’s corporate benefit.