Yenisei TGC Announced Results of Production Activities in 1Q 2011
OREANDA-NEWS. April 25, 2011. One has summed up the results of JSC “Yenisei TGC (TGC-13)” production activities in Q1 2011. One has noted a decrease in electric energy generation and thermal energy supply as compared to corresponding previous year performance.
In Q1 2011 production branches of JSC “Yenisei TGC (TGC-13)” generated 3,879.8 mln kWh of electric energy which represents a 9% decrease as compared to corresponding previous year performance. Thermal energy supply during the past quarter of 2011 decreased by 24% as compared to Q1 2010, amounting to 5,477.9 thousand Gcal.
The electric energy generation reduction was due to increase of standby and rotation reserve of the active facilities of the CHPs having been used in 2010 by JSC “Yenisei TGC (TGC-13)” to compensate the consumers for unavailability of Sayano–Shushenskaya HPP facilities to the extent of its capacities.
Supplied thermal energy amount reduction was conditioned by a decrease in thermal resources consumption as a result of higher ambient air temperatures: in Q1 2010 average air temperature was
The above factors, taken in total, additionally entailed reduced (by 504.6 thousand t) coal consumption in Q1 2011 as compared to the same period of the previous year. At the same time, fuel oil consumption increase by 6.6 thousand t due to Krasnoyarsk CHP-4, operating on fuel oil, having participated in supply of thermal energy to Zheleznogorsk since the very beginning of the heating season.