Turkmenistan Outlined Priority Issues of State Policy
OREANDA-NEWS. April 25, 2011. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in his residence in the Oguzkent Hotel in the Turkmen capital. The priority issues of the state policy and the drafts of important documents were considered during the meeting.
Opening the meeting the Turkmen leader congratulated the cabinet ministers and the Turkmen people on the Turkmen Horse Day celebrated solemnly and widely throughout the country. The Turkmen leader noted that our national pride – Turkmen horses had become famous all over the world for their unsurpassed beauty, swiftness and sportiveness. Our valorous ancestors, who had fostered Ahalteke horses, were able to preserve the unique qualities of the ‘heavenly horses’ to our days
The large-scale work on preservation and enrichment of the age-old traditions of horse breeding of the Turkmen people, which were maintained in a worthy manner nowadays, was carried on in Turkmenistan in the epoch of new Revival. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the work on promotion of horse breeding and enhancement of worldwide fame of Ahalteke horses would be conducted further.
Congratulating once again the meeting participants and citizens of Turkmenistan on the Turkmen Horse Day, the Turkmen leader wished happiness and wellbeing to the Turkmen people and every success in selfless labour aimed at preserving and enriching this invaluable heritage of the nation to horse breeders and horse trainers.
Presenting the meeting agenda, the President gave the floor to the Vice Premiers, who reported on the work done in the sectors under their supervision.
Vice Premier M. Yazmuhammedova reported on the preparations for the festivities to mark of the Turkmen Horse Day and the International Conference and Festival on Cultural Heritage of the Turkic Peoples< which would take place on April 29-30 , 2011.
Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader said that the Turkmen Horse Day was celebrated widely and solemnly throughout the country each year in the epoch of new Revival and grandiose reforms in honour of Ahalteke horses called the ‘wings’ of the soul of the Turkmen people that became some kind of symbol of swift advance in all spheres of life of the Turkmen state.
Ahalteke horses, which were raised due to the talent of the Turkmen people, their diligence, tireless efforts, persistence and consistent breeding activity were formed in our blessed land penetrated with the spirit of the ancestors, they have been cherished and fostered, nurtured and brought to perfection, the level of an art work over many centuries, said the turkemn leader. Ahalteke horses have a special place among the values contributed by the Turkmen nation to the treasury of world culture, noted by the President.
Focusing on the specific role of the international forum on Cultural Heritage of the Turkic Peoples in strengthening friendly relations between brotherly nations bound from ancient times with historical roots and spiritual affinities, the Turkmen leader said that this forum would facilitate further development and enrichment of national cultures, promote exchange of experiences in the humanitarian sphere and mutual understanding between nations.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that spiritual affinities served today as a powerful consolidating factor bringing together different peoples of the world for the lofty ideals of peace and kindness that was consistent with the UN principles and provisions as well as reflected in the policy of wide international cooperation pursued by independent neutral Turkmenistan. In this context the President demanded that the international conference and festival of the Turkic peoples be organized and held in a proper manner.
Vice Premier M. Akmammedov reported on the measures taken to organize the Turkmen Horse Day celebrations and preparations for the festivities.
Touching upon the national holiday honouring Turkmen horses, the Turkmen leader said that today legendary Ahalteke horses had become a symbol of swiftness of the large-scale progressive changes launched in Turkmenistan in the epoch of new Revival and great reforms. In this context the Turkmen leader demanded that the celebrations in honour of the ‘heavenly’ horses be organized and held in a proper manner.
Vice Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the measures taken to promote the foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan and to fulfill the Turkmen leader’s instructions. The Vice Premier reported on the preparations of the forthcoming official visits of the government delegation headed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to foreign states. The Vice Premier reported on the work carried out by the MFA to promote the constructive international initiatives put forward by the Turkmen leader at the UN sessions.
Turkmenistan intended to strengthen further the ties of friendship and intensify mutually advantageous partnerships with closest neighbours as well as other countries of the world, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasizing in this context that the forthcoming visits were to add a new chapter to the history of intergovernmental relations and offer a new impetus to fruitful contacts.
Touching upon the aspects of Turkmenistan-UN cooperation that had been fostered in recent years as was illustrated by collaboration significantly intensified between our country and the UN agencies, the Turkmen leader signed the Order approving to hold the Regional Meeting on the nomination of the Great Silk Road for the inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List in Ashgabat on May 5-6.
Chairperson of the Mejlis A. Nurberdyeva reported on the activity carried out by the national Parliament to improve the regulatory framework in compliance with the large-scale social and economic programmes initiated by the President to uphold comprehensively and fully the interests of the state and people. In particular, the Chairperson of the Mejlis informed that the deputies were engaged in drafting new laws and other statutory acts regulating legal relations in the particular spheres to fulfill the tasks set by the national leader.
Commenting on the report, the President focused on the role of deputies of the Mejlis in the social and political life of the state and emphasized that they must be informed well of everyday concerns and problems of local people, uphold the interests of the population and maintain close relations with local governments. The duty of Turkmen parliamentarians was to apply efforts to improve the standards of living of Turkmen citizens, emphasized President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Focusing on the important of improving the national legislation, the Turkmen leader noted that it should correspond to the high spirit of the epoch of new Revival and great reforms and meet the goals of national development and universally recognized norms of international law.
Vice Premier, Executive Officer of the President’s Office H. Muhammedov reported on the progress of construction of public administration facilities under supervision and the fulfilment of the Turkmen leader’s instructions.
Commenting on the report, the President gave the specific instructions demanding that rigorous control be kept of the quality and adherence to schedule of construction of important facilities in Ashgabat.
Secretary of the State Security Council Ya. Berdyevreported on the work done by the military and law enforcement agencies and the outcomes of the 65th meeting of the CIS Council of Border Troops Commanders, which had taken place in Ashgabat.
Commenting on the report, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of effective coordination of the activity of these agencies to fulfil the tasks assigned to them.
Touching upon the outcomes of the meeting of the CIS Council of Border Troops Commanders, the Turkmen leader focused on the importance of forums of this kind that contributed to bringing effective cooperation to a new level in guaranteeing reliable protection of the state borders to strengthen peace and blocked the way to external threats and risks such as international terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and transborder crime and instructed to apply this practice in the activity of military and law enforcement agencies.
Vice Premier B. Hojamuhammedov reported on the work carried out in the sectors under his supervision, including the oil and gas and chemical sectors. In particular, the Vice Premier reported on the progress of development of hydrocarbon deposits in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea and the implementation of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project.
Signing the Resolution, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the countries participating in this ambitious infrastructure project attached considerable importance to construction of the TAPI gas pipeline and highly evaluated the fact that along with economic benefits this project would facilitate strengthening peace and stability, sustainable social and economic development in the Asian region and global energy security.
Noting that development of offshore oil and gas deposits was a priority aspect of the programme for oil and gas industry development for the period till 2030, the Turkmen leader focused on the need to speed up the implementation of investment projects in this sector.
Focusing on the importance of applying advanced technologies and state-of-the-art equipment in the oil and gas sector, the President gave the specific instructions to engage more widely the Turkmenneft State Concern in implementation of the projects of development and exploration of offshore hydrocarbon deposits. The Turkmen leader focused on the need to steadily increase fuel production and improve the quality of stock tank oil and petrochemical products.
Vice Premier O. Gurbannazarov reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision. In particular, the Vice Premier reported on the measures taken to improve the activity of the Altyn Asyr bazaar.
Commenting on the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov put emphasis on the need to develop the trade and services sectors and instructed to take the necessary measures to improve the work on bazaars that were some kind of symbol of the prosperity and wellbeing of the country.
Focusing on the need to encourage and support entrepreneurs, the Turkmen leader reprimanded the relevant Vice Premier for taking unreasonably high rental payment from entrepreneurs for selling space in the Altyn Asyr bazaar in particular. The President instructed Vice Premier O. Gurbannazarov to analyze this situation and take the necessary measure to reduce entrepreneurs’ non-manufacturing costs, expand selling spaces of the new shopping complex and create an abundance of goods on the largest bazaar in the country.
Vice Premier T. Japarov reported the work carried out by financial and banking institutions and the measure taken to finance construction of apartment houses in velayats. The draft Resolution “On the 39th Meeting of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Insurance” was presented to the President for consideration. The meeting will take place on May 11-13 in the Avaza national tourism zone.
Underscoring the need for the consistent measures to keep the high pace of development and promote economic growth, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded that the Vice Premier ensure that the financial and economic activity of all ministries and departments would be coordinated effectively and all issues in this sphere would be addressed timey and properly.
Touching upon a regular meeting of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Insurance, the Turkmen leader said that this event opened up vast opportunities intensify full cooperation with major international organisations and different countries of the world and facilitated successful integration of the country into global economy. Signing the document, the Turkmen leader demanded that the forum be organized in a proper manner.
Touching upon the issues related to the financing of the construction of apartment houses in velayats, the President said that development of modern social and economic infrastructure and creation of the comfortable conditions of living in rural areas were the priorities of the National Programme for improvement of the social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns in etraps and etrap centres for the period till 2020. The specific instructions were given to the Vice Premier in this context.
Vice Premier N. Shagulyev reported on the measures taken to optimize the activity of transport and communications enterprises. In particular, the Vice Premier reported on the work carried out by the Turkmenhowayollary State National Service to modernize the passenger service systems.
Commenting on the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of applying advanced technologies and innovations in the activity of transport and communications enterprises. Noting that the Government provided substantial support to modernisation of the production activity in these sectors, the Turkmen leader instructed the relevant high-ranking officials to take the measures so that the well-coordinated and effective functioning of railway, motor, air and water transport enterprises and the telecommunication sector would be ensured.
The ultimate goal of the policy of the Turkmen state was to guarantee a prosperous and happy life to citizens, said the President emphasising that the concern for the people should be embodied in practical actions, including improvement of the quality and level of passenger service and provision of high-quality communication services to population.
Vice Premier G. Mezilov reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision. In particular, the Vice Premier reported on the preparations for the celebrations in honour of the 66th anniversary of the Victory in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War.
Commenting on the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of further development of the national education system, optimization of the educational and training work at educational institutions of the country. The President said that Decree on awarding money prizes to war veterans and war widows in honour of the 66th anniversary of the Victory in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War.
As consistent of the reforms taking place in the education system we enhanced personnel resources by training specialists for the industry and other sectors of the national economy, said the Turkmen leader. New secondary vocational education institutions training specialists for the oil and gas, construction, energy and agro-industry sectors had been established in the country. Focusing on the need to ensure high-quality training of highly qualified specialists for such basic sectors of Turkmen economy as the textile and transport, carpet, urban and communal industries, the Turkmen leader gave the specific instructions.
Vice Premier D. Orazov reported on the ongoing work in the sectors under his supervision, including construction, industry and power industry. In particular, the Vice Premier reported on the proposals for modernization of the sewage and drainage systems and construction of modern treatment facilities in Ashgabat
Commenting on the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the capital of Turkmenistan called rightfully an ‘architectural pearl’ of the region must have adequate communal infrastructure corresponding fully to its high status and the prospects for development of the main city of the country. The Turkmen leader instructed the relevant high-ranking officials to keep rigorous control of this work and apply advanced technologies and innovations in future infrastructure facilities.
Also, the Turkmen leader instructed the relevant high-ranking officials to take an integrated approach to developing transport infrastructure in Ashgabat and ensure that the effective work the enterprises engaged in implementing the projects be would be carried out according to schedule.
The other important issues of the state policy were considered during the meeting. The President signed the important documents aimed at speeding up social and economic development of the country.
Upon concluding the meeting, the President congratulated the meeting participants on the festivities taking place throughout the country and presented the book “The Flying of the Winged Horses” recently published to mark the Turkmen Horse Day.
In conclusion the national leader wished good health and successful work for the benefit of the Motherland and people to those present.