Head of Tatarsan Visited Taneco
OREANDA-NEWS. April 22, 2011. At the start of the visit Mr. Minnikhanov has made a detour of the Visbreaking unit. The unit is designed for producing fuel oil from the vacuum residue (tar residue) supplied from CDU-VDU by means of thermal cracking process. The annual output of the unit is 2.1 mln. tons of tar residue. The First Deputy General Director of PSO Kazan Mars Gazizullin has reported on the current status of the unit to Mr. Minnikhanov. The specialists of the Company have started hydrotesting activities. Installation of process pipelines, electrical and instrument cables has almost been completed. Comments presented by the Regulatory Authorities are being eliminated.
M. Gazizzulin has also informed on the progress of Sulphur Recovery Unit. This is an important process train designed to extract hydrogen sulfide and produce granulated elementary sulphur. The unit consists of Sulphur Solidification, Packaging units, Elementary Sulphur Warehouse, Amine Absorption and Regeneration, Sour Water Stripper. Intensive installation of piping and cables is currently in progress. More than 700 people are involved in the facility. However, the works should be intensified and manpower should be increased in order to perform the whole range of works.
Treatment facilities of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Complex have been the next stop of Mr. Minnikhanov. General Director of LLC UK INVENT Elbek Safayev has informed of the current progress of works performed. The unit is designed to annually treat 12.4 million cubic meters of waste water. After deep treatment the waste water (up to 97% of the total volume) will be returned to feed circulating and firefighting water supply system. At present the unit of preliminary treatment, physical and chemical treatment, final treatment and effluent purification is being operated. Commissioning of oil products, sludge and excessive active sludge dewatering unit is being performed. Installation of process equipment for biological treatment unit has been almost completed.
Following the detour of the above mentioned facilities Mr. Minnikhanov has taken part in Headquarter Meeting at the construction site of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Complex. At the meeting General Director of OJSC TANECO Kh.Bagmanov has made his presentation. In particular, he has noted that the run test of all systems equipment has been already performed. More than 131 thousand tons of raw materials have been delivered to the site. More than 9 thousand tons of Wild Naphtha, more than 10 tons of furnace domestic fuel and more than 70 thousand tons of exporting process fuel have been produced. Kh. Bagmanov has also entrusted the tasks of the highest priorities to the main contractors and highlighted the necessity to expedite the handover of the as-built documentation. LLC Neftegasengineering, LLC PSO Kazan, JSC Kamgesenergostroy, JSC Tatstroy and LLC UK INVENT Managers have also made their presentation at the meeting.
The final speech has been made by Mr.Minnikhanov. He has demanded to fulfill all given tasks as soon as possible noting that all required conditions have been already provided for that. He has also emphasized the personal responsibility of each contractor.