Tata Power Committed to Lighting up Lives of People of Belgaum
OREANDA-NEWS. April 21, 2011. Providing opportunity for social and economic development of the community around its area of operation, is the key endeavour of
Based on an assessment through survey and taking into consideration the immediate requirements of the locals, Tata Power designed the community initiative programmes focused on education, infrastructure and environment as the priority areas for the people living around the
Speaking on the community development initiatives, Balaraja Bhat, head,
Taking cognisance of the request of the villagers on the acute water shortage, Tata Power has successfully completed a pilot project wherein rainwater harvesting was undertaken at
The company aligned to its sustainability agenda, is also widely promoting afforestation and has till date planted over 4,100 saplings at the substations serving customers and the plant premises. This tree plantation exercise has been further extended to two more villages around the plant with the objective to create a green belt not just in and around the plant, but also in the region.
Tata Power’s nationwide energy conservation programme, Tata Power Energy Club, has also been well received by the students and the school management has shown further interest to extend the initiative on energy conservation at their school and at their home. Today, Tata Power Energy Club has covered over four schools and sensitised more than 1,030 students and hundreds of citizens across
Further, a team of volunteers from the company are committed to such social initiatives and have recently distributed study material incuding notebooks and pencils to schoolchildren with the aim of creating awareness and imparting education to schoolchildren studying in the nearby villages. A total of more than 350 notebooks and pencils were distributed amongst two school children studying in Class 1 to Class 3 at Kannada Government School of Mall Hole in Vantamuri village and
A general health checkup camp was also organised for the benefit of schoolchildren at