UTair-Finance Stock Obligations Included in Quotation List A1
OREANDA-NEWS. April 19, 2011. On April 6, 2011 MICEX made a decision to include UTair Finance’s documentary interest-bearing inconvertible stock obligations of BO-03 series (number 4B02-03-36059-R –registered on December 9, 2010) in its quotation list A1.
The 1.5 billion ruble bond issue took place on December 23, 2010 on the MICEX platform. Maturity of bonds is three years without intermediate offer; coupon period is 91 days at 9.45% per annum. UTair Aviation became guarantee for the loans.
The loan was arranged by BK Region.
Funds from the placement of exchange bonds will be used to refinance the current loan debt.