OREANDA-NEWS. April 08, 2011. Kazkommertsbank (Almaty, hereinafter - the Bank), whose securities are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has informed KASE that on May 4, 2011, at 11:00 o'clock an annual general meeting of the Bank's shareholders is to begin, with the agenda as follows, reported the press-centre of KASE:

- Approval of the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting;

- The Management Board's report on the Bank's activities in 2010;

- Approval of the 2010 audited annual financial statements of the Bank;

- Approval of the date of payment of dividends on preferred shares of the Bank;

- Defining the procedure for Net profit distribution for 2010:

  - deciding on dividends on common shares of the Bank;

  - defining the reserve capital of the Bank;

  - distribution of the Bank's Y2010 net profit;

- Approval of the independent auditor of the Bank for 2011;

- Approval of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors of the Bank for 2011;

- Information to shareholders on the amount and structure of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and Management Board of the
  Bank in 2010;

- Consideration of any shareholders' appeals to the Bank regarding its actions in 2010, and the results of such consideration.

The said meeting will be held at Room 104, 135zh, Gagarin str., Almaty.

In case of absence of quorum, a repeated meeting of the Bank's shareholders will be held on May 5, 2011 at 11:00 o'clock at the address shown above.

Shareholders may familiarize themselves with the agenda materials not later than 10 days before the meeting date at Room 104, 135zh, Gagarin str., Almaty, tel. (727) 258 52 21.