Belarus President Wants Farmers Ready for Sowing Campaign
OREANDA-NEWS. April 04, 2011. The readiness of agricultural companies for the spring sowing campaign should be closely examined, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during his working visit to Minsk Oblast on 1 April.
In particular, the head of state drew attention to the readiness of agricultural machines and conditions of storage of mineral fertilizers.
Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Mikhail Rusyi told the President that this year will be the first time when Belarusian agricultural companies are fully supplied with mineral fertilizers. In general, the mineral fertilizers are properly stored but the head of state demanded that attention should be focused on negative facts. “Everyone is now complaining and asking to write off credit debts while expensive fertilizers lie in the open air,” Alexander Lukashenko told Alexander Yakobson, Chairman of the State Control Committee. The head of state stressed that there was no need to massive auditing but two or three people per oblast should be interrogated.
The President said he would like to hear out whether his previous instructions regarding the readiness of agricultural machines had been fulfilled. According to Alexander Yakobson, the readiness stands at 92-96%. “Examine the individual districts we are most concerned about while avoiding the areas where things are well,” said Alexander Lukashenko.
Following Alexander Yakobson’s statement that Belarusian agricultural companies have about 88% of the machine operators they require, Alexander Lukashenko said that it was up to oblast governors to deal with the problem but machines should be prepared and should be in perfect condition. The government’s closer attention to the matter is fully justified because it was the government that allocated money to buy the machines. If machines are bought using personal money, such machines are looked after well, said Alexander Lukashenko. He added that strict control over the matter should be exercised to avoid spending tremendous amounts of money on buying new machines.
The Belarusian head of state remarked that although the government would continue helping agricultural producers in matters of equipment, the volume of such support should be reduced. “We cannot afford supporting the agriculture the way we used to in previous years,” said the President. Alexander Lukashenko remarked that nearly USD 50 billion was spent on these purposes in the previous five-year term. “It is a huge sum. Excessive spending is unaffordable,” he stressed.
Alexander Lukashenko believes that the agricultural companies that have already received support and now operate more or less well should buy the necessary machines on their own. “It is what we should encourage them to do. And we will provide help,” said the head of state.
Mikhail Rusyi informed the President that the spring sowing campaign is now in full swing. Additional fertilizers are being provided for winter crops, colza, perennial grasses and pastures. Agricultural companies are supplied with seeds and mineral fertilizers well. The readiness of sowing machines is high. According to the Minister, this year they will put to use about 600 more powerful tractors, with their total number close to 4,800 nationwide.
The wastage of winter crops is also within standard limits. Where necessary, crops will be re-sown, with over 60,000 tonnes of seeds available for that. Alexander Lukashenko remarked that a businesslike approach to that matter was required. “Let’s seed what we need and sell the rest. Leave the minimum to yourself and we will use the new harvest to fully restore the seed stock,” he said. On the whole, Mikhail Rusyi said that Belarusian agrarians plan to finish sowing early grain crops by 1 May, flax by 5 May, potato and corn by 9 May.
Alexander Lukashenko pointed out that it was necessary to increase the country’s agriculture output and improve its effectiveness because the demand for agricultural products in other countries can only get higher. “If we make agriculture profitable [without state support – BelTA] within one five-year term, the country will live. When Belarusian agriculture reaches 10-12% profitability per annum, we will be able to forget that we have any problems,” concluded the President of Belarus.