Vladivostok Air Forced to Suspend Flights to Niigata
OREANDA-NEWS. March 31, 2011. Due to the significant decline in passenger traffic because of earthquakes and accidents at the nuclear power stations in Japan, Vladivostok Air forced to suspend flights from Vladivostok and Khabarovsk to Niigata, and reduce the flights number operated from Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Tokyo (Narita Airport).
We pay your attention to the fact that making the flights to Japan, Vladivostok Air attentively is keeping track of the situation in the country, based on data of the Department of Transport of Japan http://www.mlit.go.jp/koku/koku_tk7_000003.html, Narita Airport authority http://contents.narita-airport.jp/narita/en/20110319_2.pdf and official information IATA and ICAO, as well as the World Health Organization.
When the conditions for travel to Japan become more favourable, the airline will take steps to resume the flights.
For those passengers who have already purchased tickets for flights XF807/808 and XF809/810, the company will rebook them on the next flight to / from Tokyo.
For all questions you can contact the Airline Information Center under a single federal number 8-800-100-277-2 (Russia toll-free number). Passengers, who have tickets and are in Japan, may also apply to the representative office in Tokyo by telephone 03-3431-2788.