Transport Security Is Task to Be Solved Together, Yakunin
OREANDA-NEWS. March 30, 2011. The President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin has said that ensuring transport security was a complex task that must be solved together. His comment came at the headquarters Russian Railways in Moscow during an extended meeting on transport security which focused on the organisational and legal aspects of security, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.
The meeting was attended by senior managers and department heads at Russian Railways, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Ministry of Transport, Russia’s Audit Chamber, Presidential Plenipotentiaries from Russia’s federal districts and the heads of many subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as members of the State Duma and Federation Council.
As the President of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, noted, the Company is placing ever greater stress on public safety on rail transport and every year includes considerable funds in the holding’s investment programme to that end. In 2011-2013, as part of its "Transport Security" project in the Company’s investment programme, Russian Railways plans to allocate 1.9 billion roubles on equipment and security systems for the most important public rail facilities. Between 2002-2010, the Company made capital investments of about 4.5 billion roubles in security systems at 1,256 facilities.
Russian Railways is actively involved in implementing a comprehensive programme for public safety in transportation. According to Vladimir Yakunin, almost 4 billion roubles will be allocated to the sub-program Rail Transport 2010-2013 from the federal budget.
No less important with regard to transport security is the legal situation and regulation. According to Vladimir Yakunin, there are currently no regulations in place which permit inspections of passengers and their carry-on baggage and luggage on rail facilities and which give the appropriate authorities or organisations the necessary authority to carry out such checks.
An Order of the Russian President on 2 March 2011 provides for the development of a federal law empowering the screening of passengers and baggage by staff of security organisations at rail stations. According to the participants of the meeting, developing such a law will take a long time. This means that during the interim and transition period, it will be necessary to consider drafting a Presidential Decree.
Vladimir Yakunin also stressed the need to improve legislation on restricting access to transport infrastructure and the surrounding area and enhancing security on high-speed rail routes. In addition, Russian Railways supports the strengthening of administrative penalties for violations of rules of conduct in railway transport.
According to the Company's president, measures to ensure transport security should be financed jointly by the federal budget and transport infrastructure itself. It is necessary to consolidate the actions of all stakeholders - federal, regional and local authorities, law enforcement, special services and Russian Railways.
Vladimir Yakunin said: "Implementing this kind of cooperation is possible, including within the framework of the regional antiterrorist commissions."