OREANDA-NEWS. March 25, 2011. Central Bank of India,ZonalOffice, Chennai in association with Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority conducted a Mega Lok Adalat exclusively for the cases of Central Bank of India recently at High Court, Chennai. Mr.C.S.Murugan, Member Secretary, TNSLSA welcomed the gathering for the exclusive Lok Adalat. Hon'ble Justice M.Yusuf Eqbal, Chief Justice, High Court, Chennai, inaugurated the Mega Lok Adalat in the presence of Mrs.Vijayalakshmi R.Iyer, Executive Director and Mr.S.Kannan, General Manager of the Bank at Chennai. Ms.Banumathi, Judge, High Court presided over the function.
More than 450 borrowers responded to the Mega Lok Adalat and in all, 251 cases involving a sum of Rs.17.96 crores were settled during the proceedings. Out of this 225 were pre-litigative cases involving an amount of Rs.3.49 crores.