OREANDA-NEWS. March 17, 2011. More than 1.3 million metric tons of various goods were hauled on the Far Eastern Railway in cars belonging to Freight One in the first two months of 2011, an increase of 20.8% over the same period of last year.

Freight One’s Vladivostok branch hauled more than 670,000 metric tons of freight on the Far Eastern Railway in February. The company doubled its haulage of cement in February to 22,400 metric tons, (+52.5% over January of this year), as well as building materials (18,000 metric tons, +9.4%). In addition, the company hauled 25% more iron ore and 7.9% more non-ferrous ores.

Since it began operations, the Vladivostok branch has hauled 15.5 million metric tons of various freight on the Far Eastern Railway.