OREANDA-NEWS. February 22, 2011. "Zavolzhskiy motorny zavod" (is a branch of JSC "SOLLERS") decreased quantity of claims on 49% in 2010 in comparison with 2009.

It allowed getting economy from decrease of costs on guarantee repair more than 8.0 Mln.Rub.

Decrease of claims was made due development and realization of corrective events on exclusion of defectiveness of more rejected parts also of our own production.

Total level of defectiveness supplied to automotive plants -customers (UAZ, PAZ, GAZ) has been decreased by 36 % in 2010 in comparison with 2009.

36 “quality groups’ function in ZMZ manufacturing shops.

Economic effect from introduction of improvement proposals given by them in 2010 amounted to 2.7 Mln.RUR.