OREANDA-NEWS. February 15, 2011. During the 2011 working conference of Agricultural Bank of China Limited (ABC), Mr. Zhang Yun, Vice Chairman and President on behalf of the management of ABC, arranged the specific operation and management tasks for the year, reported the press-centre of ABC.  

Summarizing and reviewing the work of the whole bank in the year of 2010, Mr. Zhang Yun pointed out that through hard work and endeavors in 2010, ABC successfully completed the share reform and listing in the stock markets and achieved excellent business performance. At the same time, ABC further tempered the ability to focus on operating management in a complex situation, further enhanced the confidence of developing the comparative advantage in the fierce competition in the market, thus accumulating experiences and laying the foundation for the start of a new journey to establish an outstanding large listed bank.

Mr. Zhang Yun requested ABC to have a clear understanding of the profound impact on business operations brought forward by the changes in the external environment, draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages, take the initiative to turn the ultra-fast lending growth to a normal growth, focus on restructuring and changing the mode of development, make prudent and stable operating strategy, pay more attention to the harmonious development of speed, quality and benefit. ABC should correctly understand the internal management pressures that it is facing, solidify the foundation; fully take advantage of the current favorable conditions, and seize the opportunity to achieve greater results.

Mr. Zhang Yun pointed out that to create an outstanding large listed bank, ABC must continue to improve the market position of the main businesses, the core of which is to vigorously cultivate high-quality customer base. To this end, ABC must carry out specific marketing activities on corporate accounts, improve the personal VIP customer service mechanism and strengthen wealth management products; optimize credit structure consistently, strictly control the quantity of credit and the credit granting frequency, further clarify credit granting focuses and further intensify credit structure adjustment; promote the comprehensive and efficient development of intermediary business; further facilitate the professional operation of financial market business, boost researches on interest rate cycle, capital status and portfolio conditions, actively expand the variety of underwriting and market channels, further reinforce financial market product innovation and the functions of products and services to enhance business competitiveness; and accelerate the development of international businesses by means of improving foreign exchange service functions in domestic institutions, vigorously developing professional foreign exchange teams and so on.

Providing financial services to both urban and rural customers is ABC's characteristic and potential, thus Mr. Zhang Yun called upon to give full play to this advantage and improve the competitiveness in both urban and rural markets. ABC should constantly improve the credit policy and system in county area; unswervingly push forward the development of key city area branches; and continue to carry forward transformation of both retail and corporate banking business in a more in-depth way.

The construction of an outstanding large listed bank puts forward new and higher requirements to the basic management. Mr. Zhang Yun emphasized the need to further strengthen the basic management and effectively improve the risk management level. He asked ABC to improve the risk strategies and management tools, strengthen the prevention and control of credit risk and operational risk in particular, consolidate management of liquidity risk and market risk and make great efforts on the prevention and control of fraud cases and reputational risk management.