OREANDA-NEWS. February 15, 2011. Belgazprombank is the winner of the professional competition “The Brand of the Year” in the nomination “Socially Responsible Brand” (Category “Active Social Position”). The solemn awarding ceremony took place on January 21st in the National History Museum, reported the press-centre of Belgazprombank.

The experts and jury evaluated projects of companies that organize events to maintain culture and science, as well as works offering solutions to social problems. Lyudmila Istomina, Projects Coordinator for the Representative Office of the United Nations Development Program in the Republic of Belarus and jury member of “The Brand of the Year” competition, highly appreciated active social position of Belgazprombank:

— Undoubtedly, Belgazprombank has been a socially responsible bank for years. Apart from creating very good conditions for work with clients, you also carry out charity work in various spheres. Establishing the “Chance” fund is an important undertaking not only from the point of view of families and children who get such assistance. This is of importance for the whole society. Because the attitude to the socially least protected layers of society is the best developmental quotient for every organization.

Over twenty years of existence Belgazprombank has always supported culture, art and youth. Last year a great deal of public attention was drawn to our international projects “Theater week with Belgazprombank”, “Handball Cup of Belgazprombank”. The bank’s active participation facilitated the establishment and operation of the largest charity fund “Chance”, which within two years raised means for treatment and rehabilitation of more than a hundred of children suffering from devastating diseases. For almost 10 years the charity and sponsor programme annually approved by the Board of Directors includes Slutsk Specialized Child Care Center, Ulukovskaya Children’s Community and other establishments.

The nomination “Socially Responsible Brand” was set up within the professional competition “The Brand of the Year” in 2005 under the auspices of the United Nations Development Programme in Belarus as part of the initiative of the UN for the business social responsibility “Global Agreement”.

Upon the results of the year 2010 the jury and expert board of “The Brand of the Year” evaluated competition works divided into five nomination categories: “Best Employer”, “Ethical Market Behavior”, “Active Social Position”, “Environmental Protection” and “Public Private Partnership”.

Apart from Belgazprombank the list of winners in the competition features large companies that take dominant positions in different spheres of economics: Belarusian Steel Works (a customer of Belgazprombank), Savushkin Product, Velcom, MTS, the Group of Companies “Triple”, Babushkina Krynka, Coca-Cola Beverages Belarus, Belgazprombank, Darida, Santa-Bremor, Belvnesheconombank.