Credit-Rating Rates IC Garant-Systema PJSC
OREANDA-NEWS. February 09, 2011. Credit-Rating, a nationally recognized credit rating agency in
An obligor or a debt liability with uaBBB credit rating is characterized with the SUFFICIENT creditworthiness as compared to other Ukrainian obligors or debt liabilities. This level of creditworthiness is affected by adverse changes in commercial, financial and economic conditions. A plus "+" and a minus "-" signs indicate intermediary categories compared to the standard categories (grades).
Stable outlook indicates that there are no anticipated reasons to change the rating in the course of the year.
The reliability of insurance companies rated uaB+ins is above average. Their solvency, reputation and loyalty towards customers exceed average level. The vulnerability to the impact of adverse commercial, financial and economic factors and probability of troubles with timely making insurance payments/repayment of cumulated insurance amounts is above average among Ukrainian insurance companies.
Factors maintaining the credit rating
Growth in the amount of insurance premiums (the company earned UAH19.2m in 9M2010 which was 6% more than in similar year-earlier period).
Sufficient solvency indicators (as at Oct. 1, 2010 the actual provision of solvency exceeded 4 times the required indicator).
Low specific gravity of claimed by non-paid losses (0.3% as at Oct. 1, 2010).
Acceptable quality and procedure of loss settlement.
Low company’s debt burden.
Information transparency and openness.
Factors constraining the credit rating
Weak company’s market standing because of unexpanded branch and agent network.
Volatile pace of insurance payments combined with their high concentrations.
Small amount of highly liquid assets due to large amount of long-term investments in fixed assets.
Loss-generating performance prompted by high company’s administrative expenditures (the combined ratio of loss generation exceeded 110% as at Oct. 1, 2010).
Impact of adverse factors on the financial market, which may undermine company’s performance efficiency.