Amount of Money Transfers to Moldova from Individuals Up 5,3% in 2010
OREANDA-NEWS. February 09, 2011. About USD 1,072.24 million (86.2% of the total amount of transfers in this period) were transferred through different fast money transfer systems, it was informed at the National Bank. Money transfers to Moldova in the first quarter of 2010 totaled USD 233.31 million, in the second quarter - USD 301.84 million, in the third quarter - USD 361.05 million, in the fourth quarter - USD 347.94 million.
The biggest sum of transfers last year was registered in September - USD 132.91 million, the least – in January - USD 63.21 million. About 51.6% of the currency transfers in 2010 fell to the share of US dollar, 38.7% - euro, 9.7% - Russian ruble.
Money transfers to Moldova from individuals from abroad through commercial blanks in 2009 totaled USD 1,182.02 million, down USD 478.07 million (28.8%) against 2008.