RTS Starts Testing of New Service - RTS Money
OREANDA-NEWS. February 02, 2011. On February 5, 2011 testing of a new service, RTS Money will take place with the involvement of market Participants.
RTS Money is a service that provides execution of foreign exchange transactions using consolidated trading platform of FORTS and RTS Standard.
The aim of this testing is to simulate the RTS Money settlement and verify the performance of the trading system at the production stage.
During this testing the Participants will be able:
to open settlement accounts,
to conduct trading on the RTS Money system, to check settlement,
to obtain reports on trading results.
The trading system will be available for the connection from 11.00 am.
The testing will simulate a standard trading day and will consist of:
11.30am – start of trading,
12:30pm – 12.33pm – intraday clearing session,
01:45pm – 02.15pm – settlement,
02.45pm – 03.00pm – evening clearing session,
03.00pm – 03.30pm – evening trading session.
Reports on trading results will be carried out and distributed that will allow Participants to test their back-office systems.
The full set of reports including reports on intraday clearing, settlement and daily trading results will be sent.
The testing will be carried outon the Participants current equipment (gateway servers and access servers) and communication channels out of the Exchange. The trading activity will be generated by both the robots of participants and by the robots working on the Exchange capacities.
Applications for participating in this testing should be sent to help@rts.ru. It is necessary to indicate a contact person in the application who will be responsible for the testing as well as to indicate codes of trading accounts which will be used for settlement on RTS Money.
Applications for participating in this testing will be accepted until 3:00pm on February 04, 2011.