OREANDA-NEWS. February 01, 2011. According to our policy aimed to increasing kinds of deposits Parabank presents the new type - "VIP", reported the press-centre of Parabank.

"VIP" deposit shares all advantages and differences of other deposit types. "VIP" deposits makes possible to change the currency of deposit unlimited times. While you change the currency of deposit you don't loss your interests counted until this moment. "VIP" deposit can be placed for 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 monthes with minimum ammount 20.000 and maximum 1.000.000 AZN/USD/EUR. The one of the advantages of this deposit is the possibility for client to choose the form of withdrawing of interests, it can be monthly, qurterly, yearly, in the end of the period and also is possible to withdraw yearly interests in the begining of the period.

Beside of that depending to the deposit ammount clients will receive free VISA cards with the package of benefits and advantages. Also we provide an possibility to get a credit line up to 80% of deposit ammount.

Placing "VIP" deposit along with flexible opportunities you will receive the most profitable benefits.