OREANDA-NEWS. February 01, 2011. Last year, UAB Ukio banko lizingas clients shopped online more frequently and in greater quantities: in 2010 against 2009 the number of such agreements increased by 2.6 times and the turnover of such sales nearly tripled exceeding LTL 1 million, reported the press-centre of Ukio Banko.

“We noticed an increasing interest in online shops, which shows a growing influence of global trends. Online shops often can offer better prices, which makes the possibility of acquiring the desired item by leasing still more available. In our opinion, in the future such a manner of shopping will gain in still greater popularity in Lithuania,” Mindaugas Valancius, Ukio banko lizingas managing director, said.

In his words, the average amount of an online purchase amounts to around LTL 1,300. Like in ordinary shops, household appliances, and video and audio equipment are among the most popular types of property items which are chosen by clients for leasing purchases. As some online shops offer a very wide range of goods, clients can acquire a large variety of items on a leasing basis.

Over the year the number of online shops used by Ukio banko lizingas clients increased by nearly 2.5 times: in 2010 this number crossed two tens. One of the most popular shops in which Ukio banko lizingas clients make their purchases has been pigu.lt for two years in a row.

UAB Ukio bankas lizingas, a subsidiary of Ukio bankas, was founded in 1997. Ukio banko lizingas is one of the leading companies in the area of retail (consumer) leasing.