OREANDA-NEWS. February 01, 2011. As a result of measures taken on the increase of banks' capitalization, the level of capital adequacy of the Uzbek banking system is 3 times higher than the generally adopted international standards. Total assets of banks rose by 32.1% in comparison with 2009 and exceeded 20.7 trillion soums.

These figures were cited at the session of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan dedicated to discussion of the results of banking system activity in 2010 and foreground priorities set before the banking system in the program speech of the President Islam Karimov at the government's meeting on 21 January 2011.

It was noted that the domestic banking system is one of the most stable today and meets strict world requirements. This is seen from the "stable" assessment given to the banking system of Uzbekistan by Moody's international rating agency, as well as assignment of such rating to 15 leading commercial banks by Fitch Ratings, Moody's and Standard & Poor's.