UFC Capital Released January 25 Ukrainian Market View
OREANDA-NEWS. January 26, 2011. UFC Capital released daily market view:
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Equity market. On January 25, the Ukrainian Exchange Index stayed in the green zone throughout the entire trading session. Overall, the indicator grew 0.58% to 2660.55 points, which is a record high. Most stocks on the index list reflected the positive dynamics. The total trading volume reached 290.1 mln hryvnia, including 59.8 from the futures market.
Ukrnafta (UNAF; HOLD) stock was once again the most traded equity in the UX. There were 994 transactions made, totaling 53.3 mln hryvnia. As a result, share value rose 2.33%.
Yasinovka Coke (YASK; HOLD) was the top performing stock of the day in the order-driven market of the Ukrainian Exchange. Share value increased by 4.01% after 617 deals for 13.1 mln hryvnia.
Centrenergo (CEEN; HOLD) and Donbasenergo (DOEN: BUY) were among the poorest performers in the UX index list, dropping 0.79% and 0.65% respectively. Forum Bank (FORM; UNDER REVIEW) also decreased 0.98% – becoming the worst performing stock in the banking sector. The poor showing can be explained by the weak financial results published by the bank for 4Q2010.