First Orbital Hotel Will Be Constructed in 5 Years
OREANDA-NEWS. January 21,
The station of new generation will be equipped by four comfortable cabins with the big windows. On an idea, in them at a time can not only admire fantastic space kinds, but also take part in research experiments of 7 tourists. The order of numbers in orbital 5-stars hotel is accessible to any interested person. Genpodrjadchik building and operation of commercial station as which space-rocket corporation "Energy" will act is going to construct novujuorbital'nuju stancijucherez 5 years.
Joining with station can be made not only domestic "Unions" and "Progresses", but also foreign space shuttles. According to the project, the orbital hotel will float over the Earth near to MKS, and to co-operate with it. In an emergency situation the commercial station will act as a refuge for crew MKS, or on the contrary.