Belarusian Agriculture Ministry Will Spend Br 3.4 Trillion on Sowing
OREANDA-NEWS. January 18, 2011. The Belarusian Agriculture Ministry will spend an estimated 3.4 trillion Belarusian rubles (Br) on spring sowing, Deputy Agriculture Minister Vasily Pavlovsky told reporters.
Of the total, 1.6 trillion rubles will be spent on mineral fertilizers, 748 billion rubles on crop protecting agents, 177 billion ruble son seeds and 713 billion rubles on fuel and lubricants.
Te republican will provide 29 billion rubles for the sowing campaign, local budgets 931 billion rubles, farms’ own funds 1.1 trillion rubles, bank loans 368 billion rubles, foreign credit lines 339 billion rubles.
In 2010, 2.8 trillion rubles were spent on spring sowing.