I.T. Co. Starts to Build Private Clouds
OREANDA-NEWS. January 14, 2011. I.T. Co., partnering with Microsoft in the Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud Accelerate program, deployed the first private cloud based on Microsoft Hyper-V for one of the largest universal banks of Russia. Currently, I.T. Co. is implementing a similar project for an entertainment group of companies. During the first half of 2011 the company plans to deploy several private clouds with its customers.
Thus, I.T. Co.’s customers will be among the first in Russia to appraise the advantages of Infrastructure as a Service by undertaking easy and fast migration of its IT infrastructure to a private cloud based on Windows Server platform with the help of Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud programs and applications.
Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud program was announced in 2010 and offers a wide range of approved configurations for the deployment of a private cloud, including computing and network resources, storage resources, as well virtualization and management control software. These programs and guidance will help eliminate risks and increase the speed of deployment processes.
Microsoft selected 300 leading partners around the world to participate in the program. I.T. Co. became one of Microsoft’s partners in Russia. To assure that sales managers can professionally communicate the advantages of cloud computing to customers, at the end of 2010 I.T. Co. together with Microsoft provided training in Moscow and regions.
I.T. Co. sees the advantages of cloud solutions to help achieve a high level of standardization and automation of Data centers, to streamline the use of hardware and software, to significantly reduce power consumption, to facilitate the licensing process and, as a consequence, to reduce costs of ownership of infrastructure.
The Microsoft private cloud solution has connectivity with major hypervisors produced by other developers, thus, allowing preservation of investments already introduced in infrastructure virtualization. The switch to Hyper-V hypervisor is trouble-free and involves minor interruptions of service provisioning.
“The desire to optimize, standardize and streamline the level of automation is the main trend in the development of modern Data centers. The switch to Infrastructure as a Service enables IT departments to achieve high performance results excluding multiple redundant activities, whereas the application of principles of dynamic Data centers reduces the costs associated with hardware downtime and excessive energy consumption. The switch of merely one server to the private cloud will save hundreds of thousands of rubles per year”, - said Denis Arkhangelsky, Director of System Software Sales Department at I.T. Co.
“I.T. Co. is Microsoft’s reliable partner and has a great expertise in building modern enterprise IT infrastructure based on our solutions. We are pleased that I.T. Co. became one of the first private cloud partners and currently actively implements this technology. The transformation of enterprise IT infrastructure to the private cloud is an important move towards enhancement of efficiency and value of IT for businesses. We are confident that I.T. Co.’s specialists will help our customers to pass through the entire way and achieve excellent results”, - said Vasily Malanin, datacenter product manager, Microsoft Russia.
I.T. Co. plans to build a demo center for cloud computing located at I.T. Co.’s Data center in its new Moscow office, as well as to provide such demonstrations together with Microsoft in the Moscow Microsoft Technology Center.