OREANDA-NEWS. January 14, 2011. In 1a Trostianetska St. was an official opening of the 5th Billa supermarket in Kiev. Its construction started in April 2010. The sales area is 1716 sq, m. 16 checkout counters will be able to serve up to 6,000 people per day. The selling space was equipped with shelving and checkout counters manufactured by company named Modern-Expo.
Billa Ukraina is a part of Rewe Group concern, which is a significant player in the sphere of retail trade on the European market and its annual turnover makes up 50 billion Euros exclusive of VAT. Rewe Group has 14, 714 affiliated branches in 16 countries with a total staff of 319, 000 employees.
First Billa supermarket in Ukraine was opened in Kyiv near the underground station called Pozniaki in the year 2000. Today Billa network unites 19 supermarkets of such 13 cities in Ukraine as Kiev, Khar’kov, Dniepropetrovsk, Zaporozhje, Odessa, Sumy, Zhytomir, Dnieprodzierzhynsk, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Kremenchug, Nikopol and Kherson. Only for the period of 10 years of work on the market the enterprise with foreign investments Billa Ukraina (Kiev), an operator of classical supermarkets Billa, have invested 500 million hryvnas in the economy of Ukraine.