UFC Capital Released January 12 Ukrainian Market View
OREANDA-NEWS. January 13, 2011. UFC Capital released daily market view:
The trading session on January 12 was marked by a sideways moving trend, after reaching the Ukrainian exchange reached its historical maximum. The indicator continued to climb reaching a new high of 2634.44 points, an increase of 1.48% over the close of the previous session. Trading volume in the stock market decreased to a total of 249.5 mln hryvnia, which includes 43.0 mln hryvnia from the futures market.
Centrenergo (CEEN; HOLD), and Ukrnafta (UNAF; HOLD) were the trading volume leaders in the order-driven market of the Ukrainian Exchange; the former’s shares were traded for a total of 36.2 mln hryvnia, while the latter’s were traded for 25.8 mln hryvnia.
The president’s veto on the amendments to the law "On Joint Stock Companies" had a positive effect on the stock market. Azovstal (AZST; SELL) and Enakievo Steel (ENMZ; HOLD) were affected the most, growing 5.26% and 3.95% respectively.
Mariupol Heavy Machine Engineering (MZVM; UNDER REVIEW) stock dropped 2.79% on Wednesday; it’s second consecutive day of losses. Share price for Zakhidenergo (ZAEN; SELL) and Dniproenergo (DNEN; SELL) stock decreased as well, by 1.37% and 1.12% respectively.