LITGRID Turtas AB Shares Listed on NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Secondary List
OREANDA-NEWS. January 04, 2011. NASDAQ OMX Riga announces that LITGRID Turtas AB (ticker symbol: LGD1L) today starts trading of its shares on the Secondary List of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius.
LITGRID Turtas AB was established on November 16, 2010 as a result of a spin-off of the Lithuanian electricity generation company Lietuvos Energija AB. Electricity transmission system operator activity was separated from Lietuvos Energija AB and attributed to LITGRID Turtas. Lietuvos Energija AB will continue its operations and its shares will continue to be listed on the Secondary List of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius.
"The new entrant is the only electricity transmission system operator listed on the Baltic exchanges, presenting a new investment opportunity for investors. Listing on the stock exchange will also allow the company to attract additional capital for its strategic projects through the capital market”, said Arminta Saladziene, Chairman of the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Management Board.
“The inclusion of the company shares into the trading list of the stock exchange is a clear sign to the company shareholders and market players, confirming the transparency of the company business and management. This resolution is one of the final steps of the ongoing reorganization of Lithuanian energy sector,” said Virgilijus Poderys, Chief Executive Officer of LITGRID Turtas AB.
As of December 22, 2010, the Baltic Secondary List will contain 51 companies, including 22 issuers from Lithuania.
About LITGRID Turtas AB
Separation of electricity transmission system operator from Lietuvos Energija AB is part of the reorganization of the Lithuanian electricity sector process. With the spin-off of LITGRID Turtas AB it was aimed to separate and purify activities, to meet the requirements of the EU energy package (separation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution activities), liberalize electricity market and form a strong enterprise, capable of interconnecting Lithuanian and EU electricity grids by constructing power links to Poland and Sweden.
The authorized capital of the company is LTL 504 331 380 (EUR 146.1 million), which consists of 504 331 380 ordinary registered shares at nominal value LTL 1 par (EUR 0.29). As of December 1, 2010 the capital and reserves of the Company was LTL 1 868 596 118 (EUR 541 million).