Murmansk Region Sets Tariff Levels for Electric Power Transmission
OREANDA-NEWS. December 31, 2010. The regulator withdrew his statement of the transition to the RAB-based method of tariff regulation.
December 16, 2010 at the board meeting of Federal Tariff Service were approved the minimum tariff levels for electric power transmission in the Murmansk region.
"Fees are calculated according to the method of long-term options. Despite the fact, that the administration of tariff regulation of the Murmansk region, on Aug. 24, 2010 filed in the Federal Tariff Service of Russia the Statement of the transition to the RAB-based method of tariff regulation of the branch of IDGC North-West Kolenergo, this transition did not take place. 10 December, the regulator unexpectedly withdrew his statement, "- said the Head of the tariff Department of IDGC North-West Valentin Chesnokov.
In order to transition to the RAB of IDGC North-West branch “Kolenergo”, investment program for 2011-2015 has been approved by the administration of Murmansk area, in the amount of 5,909 million rubles. In the case of a transition to a method of long-term parameters, it will undergo adjustments.
For reference: In the Murmansk region about 80% of centers of power are energy deficient. This indicates the need for major investments in the construction of electricity supply facilities. In Murmansk, 90% of the centers of power have exhausted the resources of power capacity: from 20 centers of power, 18 are closed for connection of new consumers.