Ingosstrakh Paid Mordovian Niva LLC 6.8 mln Rubles
OREANDA-NEWS. December 24, 2010. Ingosstrakh paid 6.8 mln rubles to Niva LLC located in Yalga settlement, the
Under the contract, the harvest - Beatrice spring barley, Tulaykovskaya 10 spring wheat, Horizont oat, Kazanets and Faraon peas – over the total area of
The insured event was a record draught, which affected the region last summer. Because of the fires and an abnormally hot and dry weather, the state of emergency was declared in the
Ingosstrakh and Niva LLC have been cooperating in all types of insurance since March 2009. During this period, besides agricultural crops transport vehicles, special machinery and agricultural equipment, immovable property, inventories and cattle stock have been insured.
Niva LLC was established in August 2007. The main spheres of activity of the agricultural enterprise are dairy and beef stock husbandry, grain and fodder production.