Bitarap Tanker Replenishes Turkmenistan Fleet
OREANDA-NEWS. December 21, 2010. The Bitarap tanker that replenished the fleet moored in the Turkmenbashi international seaport in the Caspian Sea. The ceremony of meeting the vessel, the name of which symbolically spotlights the significance of the 15th anniversary of permanent neutrality recently celebrated throughout of Turkmenistan brought together the heads of the Turkmenbashi khyakimlik, the State Service of the Sea and River Transport and local people.
As is known, technology modernization of the transport sector including sea cargo transportation is an important aspect of the Turkmen leader’s economic policy aimed at implementing the huge resource potential of Turkmen economy and advantages of the geographical location of the country. An important step towards fundamental modernization of the fleet of merchant vessels was the Resolution authorizing the State Service of the Sea and River Transport of Turkmenistan to conclude the contract for the purchase of a tanker for transportation of oil, oil and chemical products.
The Bitarap tanker with the freight-carrying capacity of 4,450 tons meet international standards and the only one tanker in the Caspian Sea designed for transportation of chemical products. It supplied with state-of-the-art electrical and electronic equipment and hardware. Vessels of this kind are of particular importance for the dynamic development of the domestic chemical industry, which consistently increases production of a wide range of high-quality products, which are in high demand on domestic and international markets.
Three oil tankers – Hazar, Sumbar and Jeyhun with the freight-carrying capacity of 7,000 tons and more have been recently delivered to Turkmenistan. At present, these vessels transport cargos along the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea, carry raw oil from the Turkmen ports of Alaja and Ekerem to the oil-loading terminal in Kenar settlement, from where oil is supplied to Turkmenbashi oil refineries. Also, the tankers make trips to Makhachkala (Russia), the Iranian ports of Enzeli and Neka carrying diesel fuel, gasoline, fuel oil and other oil products to foreign consumers.
The Turkmenbashi international seaport is at the threshold of drastic changes. Under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) this October, over USD 60 million will be allocated to reconstruct the seaport. Thus, the new seaport, which will spring up on the Caspian Sea coast in the near future, will gain to the status of the main ‘sea gates’ of Turkmenistan and a transit point of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor.
The crew of the Bitarap tanker was cordially welcomed in the Turkmenbashi international seaport. According to the tradition, the elders offered the prayers up blessing the vessel for long-term and reliable operation. The crew was greeted with music, songs and dances performed by local art groups on the moorage.