OREANDA-NEWS. December 13, 2010. The complex document is planned to be realized in partnership with the international donors of Moldova. Its preliminary presentation took place at the CSTI at the “round table” with participation of representatives of the IMF, USAID, SIDA, EU Delegation in Moldova, Minister of Finance Veaceslav Negruta, CSTI Head Nicolai Platon.

He said the goal of the reforms planned to be realized in the framework of the Strategic Development Plan is to encourage voluntary tax payment, improve quality of services provided, to cut expenses and time for fulfillment of commitments to the budget.

The Strategy stipulates reforming of the legislative, organizational and institutional bases, changing the approach to the voluntary tax payment, enhancing efficiency of application of information technologies in the tax administration.

The Plan will be submitted for the government’s approval, followed by more specific negotiations with international partners for them to assist implementation of the strategic priorities.